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Woman of VALOR

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Having been predominantly raised by women, I have discovered that womanhood runs deeper that what the world is saying. To be a woman is to be the embodiment of beauty, endurance, and love.

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I was raised by women who are strong and determined. They did not have the best in life growing up but were bent on giving the next generation after them a head start in life. I celebrate and look up this these women; my mother, aunties, and grandmothers. They are Women of Valor, and children sing their praises; sing of their endurance, love, and the beauty within their souls.

This collection is to celebrate them.

Incorporated throughout the garment are Adinkra symbols, Ashanti hieroglyphs used to tell stories and convey virtues. The symbol Aya (endurance) inspired the shape of the dress while Duafe symbol (which stands for beauty) and Eban symbol (love, safety, and security) are integrated in the shawl and bottom of the dress.

I made use of these Ashanti symbols because that is where my family is from. 

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I also created my own Kente cloth, which is a highly valuable cloth of the Ashantis worn mainly by royalty. 


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